
Craving Satisfied: Coats

My name is Dream and I am a coat junkie. Seriously, though, I really do like coats. Coats are my favorite article of clothing. Don't ask me why, because I don't know. I think I get it from my mom. But I digress. So during the After- Christmas sales, my eyes feasted on this beautiful Forever21 black tweed coat. For months, I wanted something like this. However, with only a limited amount of money, I ventured to H&M first to be sure. There at H&M, I saw another coat that completely made me happy. A Houndstooth classic cut that made my mouth water. And it had the red tag that said "50% off." I tried it on and truly just fell in love. It just looked like quality.

From the shoulders to the neckline to the cut, THIS COAT'S A WINNER!!

Look at the fabric... It's just a rich texture.
 But, in the midst of all my happiness, I left behind my beloved Forever21 coat. That, and we had to go pick up my vain cousin at the nail salon. But back to the story. Two weeks pass and I really can't stop thinking about the other coat. So when I finally return to the mall, I get super excited and jet down to Forever21. I scour the store twice, before asking a sales associate about the coat. She show the rack to me and lo and behold IT'S THERE!!! And it was the last one, in my size too!!!! *sigh of relief*

Isn't it pretty??? Classic too...
And lastly, the least important thing about this post: My nail polish. It was in my New Year's To Do List to wear more and eh, I've been slacking but I did paint them again. Still a purple but a lighter one, one that screams FUN!!

My left hand. My right as you can imagine is a mess.
But until next time...

Hearts, Hugs and Lots of Love,


My Closet Cleanout

All the clothes taken out of my drawers... I should've done this earlier!!
About a week ago, I did something completely uncharacteristic of me-- cleaned out my closet. I really don't like to clean because I find it tedious. But for the longest time, I've been saying that I have nothing to wear, despite a closet AND armoire full of clothes. I got so tired of shuffling through clothes and being late for school. And I've been late a lot (12 times last semester). And in the end, I just decided it would be more beneficial to do clean.

Can you believe that this is only half the clothes I purged??? Ugh, so much clothes, so little time.
Anyways, I started by just taking out all the things I knew I didn't wear. All of it. I spent about 45 minutes pulling out all the clothes I knew couldn't fit. Then I took out clothes that fit but weren't exactly my style anymore. Of course, it ended up covering my entire floor, so be a bit more organized (and to truly see the mess), I folded all the clothes. And it was a lot.

This is the beloved bag that I finally had give up when I realized it was falling apart.
I also discovered a bunch of things that, once upon a time, I loved. For example, there was this Koie Cinderella purse. Black, pink, and a princess motif?? Sign me up! Bought at Marshall's for I think $20 when I was young, I loved it. I carried it on planes as my carryon. I carried it on long car rides to my grandma's as an activity bag. I carried it EVERYWHERE. But alas, it was cheap and of less-than-stellar quality. And so it slowly started falling apart in my hands. First, the slipper on the side started to peel, until it fell off all together. But yet, I still carried it around like a baby. Then the other side began to peel and I had to let it go. It was living a sad existence at the bottom of a bin in my closet.
It slowly began to fall apart until I retired it.

Other articles of clothing I had broken up with: Old Navy Jeans I really liked in the store and got for Christmas in the sixth grade, my Ralph Lauren pink and green striped halter dress, my yellow and blue floral patterned kimono top and SO many other things. But I digress. Back to the cleaning.

Possibly my favorite top ever!!! So sad it doesn't fit anymore!!!

A pocket detail of the jeans I used to wear. Oh, ok, back to digressing.
I folded up all the clothes that I chose would remain and put them back neatly in my armoire. I took out so many clothes, I had an entire drawer left without any clothes!! You'd be surprised what purging some ill-fitting clothes can do to maximize your storage space...

All my tees, sitting in my drawer all neat and organized! Woohoo!
But I still have miles to go. I still have to make my closet & room totally amazing-looking. Stay tuned, readers... This is will be a journey. :)
Hearts, Hugs and Lots of Love,


Happy New Year!!

New Years isn't New Years without something fizzy!
First, I would like to say "Happy New Years!". I celebrated it in church with my family. I don't know what it is about this year but it feels special. I don't believe in "New Year's Resolutions". I consider them cliche and whatnot. But I do have high hopes, so consider this my To-Do List. So here goes:
  • Try to dress up more. Life is too short to stay in sweatpants all the time.
  • Wear more nail polish. Sure, I wear it, but I usually don't bother because I have no time.
  • The nail varnish I plan to wear this year. This collection is going to grow.
  • Be more charitable. I cleaned out my closet for New Year's (it's tradition to clean your entire house top to bottom in order to bless your house with a fresh start), which I have never done. I discovered A LOT of junk from SO long ago. I'm donating to charity, because I'm not using it.
  • The pile of clothes from my closet clean-out. Expect a huge post about this project in the near future.
  • BLOG more!! I almost never blog and I'm sure it's annoying to some. But I'm going to use my blog as my creative outlet to express my true potential.
  • Don't let ANYTHING restrict me from reaching my dreams. It's not the year to give up.
  • And lastly, Put my all into EVERYTHING I do! It's not the time to be lazy. It's time to get up and do what you love and do it often. How else are you going to reach your dreams????

But, anyways, I want to wish all of you guys who see this post a Happy New Year! Best wishes for the New Year!

A really crappy picture of what my mom was drinking for New Years'-- Moscato and a strawberry.
Hearts, Hugs and Lots of Love (Plus Blessings for the New Year),